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I caught my wife trying to commit suicide with pills. I was soo outraged that she would try and leave me and my sons, she said she was sorry and begged me to take her to the hospital but I wouldn't I made her stay and she died in her sleep

My sons think she had a heart attack they're 5 and 7 i'll never tell them the truth

I now date ladies from the country club we belong to but mainly just to have sex with them

My kids' babysitter is 20 and we started having sex months ago

I've had numerous threesomes with the babysitter and her friend and film them


  1. Isn't this murder? WTF!

  2. Assuming this posting is legitimate, I felt this revelation could be seriously scary. However, why would one attempting to die wish to be saved? Her suffering has ended and she's entered her time of rest. Let's pray her sons recover and endure no further harm at the idle hands of their father.

  3. No wonder she committed suicide; her husband is a womanizing pedophile who doesn't know how to use punctuation.


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