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I'm moving away I'm excited and scared to death !!

I've became a raging alcoholic and don't know why.

I get so angry sometimes and say mean things to those I love
even when I'm not drinking but its so much worse when I'm drunk.

I've just recently gotten so crazy mad that I would've gutted
My husband if he hadn't ran from me.

I will not ever let another person lay their hands on me again.

P.s.Becca I'm so so sorry for acting like a huge bitch to u !!
I love you ! I wish u could move with me but at least u have
A place to hide out when life gets to crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I love you so much too, honey. Please don't gut my brother. He means well. LOL. I will definantly use your new place as my secret getaway. So glad we patched things up. :)


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