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A strong woman needs a stronger man

I am a professional dominatrix on the side -and no I DON'T have sex with my clients, but I do beat the fuck out of them. My friends know and most of them are pretty into the idea but I sill lie to my family everytime I do a session.  I know that they wouldn't understand me working in a dungeon even though I make $200/hr!

I LOVE when we do bondage parties and I am on stage weilding a whip because I know that in that moment I am the hottest chick in the room.  The more people that watch the better!

I have been into bdsm since I was a teenager, and I always used to try to get my boyfriends to dominate me, but most had no idea how.

I recently started dating my ex from highschool who was my first real love and I and the second I saw him I knew I was still in love 12 yrs later.  Now I am terrified that he is going to find out about me being a dominatrix and leave me.

Even though I am a dominatrix I secretly believe that men should be in control of their girlfriends/wives.  That was part of the reason I fell in love with my ex - he could take control of me when no one else could.

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