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1 when I was about 4 or 5 years old my neighbors granddaughter took me into the bathroom and told me to open my mouth and she kissed me with her tongue.  It was gross. I've never told anyone that.
2. Once at a party I got really drunk for the first time and I kissed a girl. I hated it. Later on I passed out and ended up spending the night there with some Guy but we didnt do anything- that I can remember
3 i am resentful toward my parents for what they put us through from when I was 12 years old and I've always let that hate stir inside me
4 I feel bad for all of the people being cheated on that have no idea...and I feel bad for the cheaters that do it to them.
5. I wish I could make someones day everyday. You never know when someone needs a quick pick me up. I know I sure as hell need them..I'm really insecure.

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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