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I need a teenage-english translator

1. I cut myself, I do it because it's an addction. My befriend recently started to cut herself again, I blame myself because - I do it.
2. I have no emotion when it comes to love, I can't feel it..? It's just my there.
3. My cousinsy best friend, & I love her she saves me but I still wish she could know how it feels fore to be gone so she can really be my best friend again.
4.I see a big world ahead of me, I'm freaked put for it 15 and ready to drop , I've already droped... But I'm gonna be droped in the ground if I don't help myself
5. My family knows I cut and when I do they care for about 1say and then I feel like thriving care any more- likely don't need to hear me, like I'm invisible & speech less, I want someone to care- to not give up on me.

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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