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Oh, they'll touch...

!. I'm currently in a long distance relationship, &  I know it will never be the relationship I want it too be, its amazing how the love can be so tight & close. But than have two people so far away.  Were going to see each other every 2-3 months or so, but I can't help but feel like our relationship is a dead end.
2. I just want to be loved by my dad & hear it, which I never do. I never spend time with him, & I never hear I love you, I just try so hard for him to be proud of me. I try so hard. & when I finally do, I feel on top of the world.
3. I wanna be noticed, I wanna make a change in the world, like make a medical discovery or something. But I know ill never be smart enough to do that.
4.I don't think I'm going to go to college, I hate schoool. And I don't think I could put up with another four years of school.
5. I've sent partialy or fully nude photos, because I feel so sexy when I do, I feel slutty & so wanted. I feeel like every guy that looks at me , so basly wants to fuck me.

Bonus; when I'm older. I want to get a boob job, & be a stripper, because I love the fact the guys will look but never touch, & the money would be so worth it. But that's just my dirty little secret (;

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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