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High expectations

1. I cheated on two boyfriends. One with my best guy friend. All we did was makeout. Second boyfriend cheated on him while I was sleeping aka at a party and really liked this guy so we did stuff.. not all the way.
2. I'm desperate for a boyfriend to love and care about me but my expetations are high. I want him to be active, well-kown, charming, have style, nice car, matture, play hard to get, love football and baseball, and have a JOB.

3. I'm obsessed with make-up. It's hard for me to not apply it for a day. I can't, at least in public. I cake it on like a clown.

4. I fell in love with him and he doesn't know and probably doesn't care. I talk about him a lot and always wish he was with me.

5. I spent a 1,000 dollars I got from my dad without telling my mom I got it because their seperated and my dad said save it.

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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