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Sounds like you should believe him to me...

1. I'm more in love with one of my best friends. He knows that I like him, but I don't think he understands how crazy I am about him. He's nothing I look for in a guy, but for some reason I can't help how I feel about him.

2. Recently, we both had a few drinks, and ended up staying up most of the night talking and cuddling, and I've never been happier in my entire life. I told him how much I enjoyed it, and he said he enjoyed it a lot also, and that we should do it more often.

3. I also asked him throughout the night if he would ever consider messing around with me, and he said yes. Which was not what I had expected at all.

4. Now I'm scared that the only reason any of this was said or done was because of the alcohol, I mentioned it to him, and he said he really did enjoy the night, and that he was fine with it. But I just don't know if I can believe him.

5. Now, everytime he brings up a girl he's talking to, or an exgirlfriend, I get extremely jealous. I want to tell him how much I actually care, but I don't want to push him away.

Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: gay

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