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Bobcats don't like to be chastised

A secret? That despite my outward appearance and background, I'd like nothing more than a simple quiet life.

My first full sexual partner was 19 and I was 12, and if my parents knew she had so much as touched me they would have had her burned at the stake.

After that, until I got out of prison, all of my relationships were with older females, and carried a heavy BDSM theme.

No one touched me in prison. Most convicts are about "mom" as are football players; and I had killed mine with my bare hands. Just decided the bitch had hit me for the last time. Consequently, other inmates considered me potentially dangerous.

I was 22, and had a 16 year old girlfriend. Age of consent. Dumb move, I know. Hers was shaking a finger at my bobcats' muzzle, calling Heathen a "bad kitty". First time I ever saw a girl wet her pants; Heathen had latched onto her finger.

I'll submit more later. But, never shake your finger in a bobcats' face.

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