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Dirty little secrets

1.  My best friend and I have known each other for 21 years.  We've never had the same taste in men and pride ourselves on the fact that we've never been with the same guy.  Except that it's a lie.  Last fall I slept with her man while they were on a break.  If she found out she'd kill both of us.

2.  We have a mutual friend that we hang out with.  Mutual friend and I have been texting and hanging out without her and if she found out, she'd hate me.  She thinks he's her soulmate. I can't help myself, he's a great person.

3.   He's an exhibitionist and I'm a voyeur.  Hanging out with him is intoxicating and thrilling.  We do things that nobody would ever expect from either of us and it's our dirty little secret.  Last night we drove two hours each way to go naked hot springing.  It was amazing out there under the stars.  Burned in my memory forever.

4.   I've replaced my pot addiction with compulsive sexual behavior and I'm not sorry. I use protection but I've been hooking up at every available opportunity.

5. I  secretly hope to break up my ex's marriage because I have finally realized what I threw away and I want him back.  I've been plotting ways to make yet happen for quite some time now.

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