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Grump who likes to pump (iron)

1. I went to nursing school and when I started actually working in the field I realized I hated helping people so i do sales instead.

2. I hate illiterate people who post their secrets on here. If you don't know how to spell simple words go back to school.

3. I have four kids and I love them more than anything. They are with the ex-wife though. She's an adulterous whore who should be smacked senseless.

4. I am addicted to the gym. so much as to cause a few fights with my wife. I don't see why she doesn't just go to the gym with me.

5. My brother is an asshole liar. He has used and abused the family so many times. I worked with him and knew he was getting fired a few weeks beforehand and I never told him because I was happy to see him get fired.

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