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Spending problem

1) I feel like a complete failure sometimes.  My son's birthday party is this weekend.  Every other year I have went all out.  Because I am very low on funds I can't do as big an ordeal this year.  I feel like a bad mother.

2) I wish I were able to pay my bills.  I spend money that sometimes I don't have on things I really don't need but, damn, I want something just for the heck of it sometimes too.

3) I am only hoping I do not get my car repoed really soon.  For the past couple months I have not paid full payments cause I have not had the money to pay it.

4) Life really starts to suck for me the day before payday.  Most people get excited about getting paid.  Not I.  I only have to worry about the bills that aren't going to get paid that week.  Wow, life gets harder every day.

5) I have really thought about selling my body to get extra cash.  I am not skinny enough to dance or I would be doing that.  Heck the money would be so much better.  I love my job but just don't make enough money.  If I were not in a good relationship with a wonderful guy I would already be trying to figure out where to go to sell some good pussy.  I got it but I know my bf wouldn't want me to share it.  Damn, the money would be nice though.

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