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Suddenly single

1. I've been a very miserable person and became very dependent on alcohol to get me by.
2. I'm losing my wife. She was the sweetest most beatiful woman and such a great mother. And I screwed it up. But then again I probably didn't deserve her anyway.
3. I can't sleep. I tried to lay in our bed but I roll over n she's not there..... She's always been there for the last 6 years.
4. I'm just finishing 7 years of school and I have no reason to be happy. I miss what me and my wife had and I'd give anything to pinpoint where it started to fade away.
5. I will always regret losing her and not fighting for her but I don't deserve her and I can't continue to make her as miserable as me. I will always love her. This is going to be rough......

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