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But what would we do without the virtual crops???

I'm fucking a 15 year old girl, i'm 19

I'm bi

I get off on kids having sex

I live with a bunch of ass hole family

Farmville can die

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1 comment:

  1. *It's amazing that people actually admit to this crap and they know that it could put them behind bars. Guess you aren't that concerned. You know I have a thing for younger guys but I am much older and the guys are at least 18. Not going to jail for a moment of pleasure. Watch what you do. It may come back on you.
    * Nothing wrong with being bi.
    * Can't believe you would admit to liking kids have sex either. What exactly are you thinking? Seriously.
    * Okay, you are 19 years old. If you aren't working you could get a job and move out. That's what we do when we become adults.
    * Farmville does suck. I have never been on it but I hate when people send me invitations. It just looks stupid.


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