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Let the healing begin

1.I hate my mom and sister, because anytime my mom had a bad day she would take it out on me to which my sister then blamed me for my mom beating me and locking me in my room for months. it was always my fault and now that i got away from them I never been better.

2.I have a drinking problem which might have just caused me to lose my one and only dream job which was being in the army, and might end me up doing some jail time because it also caused me my part time job.

3.I dated a girl awhile ago and I dont know why but I cant get over her and she left me for a friend, and now all my friends tell me shes hot and that they want to have "sexual intercourse" with her, I think it makes it that much harder for me.

4.I have a heart condition that i found out about because of the army and i think its getting worse but im to scared to get it checked out, im scared im going to die alone with nothing to leave behind but failure and debt. very introverted because of number one and it affects me almost every day and i hate it more then anything in the world, also i am very jumpy when people move fast around me and they ask me what my problem is and i try to just laugh about it and change the subject.

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1 comment:

  1. 1) I am sorry these things happen to you as a child.
    2) I am sure you developed a drinking problem due to your childhood. You can overcome this. There is help out there.
    3) Your friends are very rude to tell you that they want to fuck the girl you care about or even have been with. That's not something friends do. I guess guys are different than girls.
    4) I am sure the drinking doesn't help very much with the heart condition. If you are seeing a doctor on a regular basis I am sure you are being closely watched. There is someone out there that will love you no matter what your issues are. That someone will help you overcome your issues.
    5) I am sure being abused does make a person antsy. Walking on eggshells is no fun. I have been there in a relationship before. Maybe you should talk to the doctor about getting on meds to calm your nerves. There is a way to get relief from your anxiety. You just have to find out what method works best for you.


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