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No one likes a tailgater

1) i dont like my dad. I dont hate him but i just dont like him when he gets mad at me. Im a bit of a spoiled brat but i still do know when im right or wrong, as well as when he's the one who's over exagerrating. Why cant he just chill and let me do what i want. all i need is trust and respect.

2) im starting to like this guy who burns. Im the type of girl who doesnt do any bad habits, im 18 yrs old and i only got drunk once (not planning to get drunk again). It was a turn off at first and i admit i still do think it is. But for him i learned how to accept it and just go with the flow. All i want is to be an inspiration for him to change into a better person. The question is if he's willing enough.

3) i dont like my mom as well. But compared to my dad, i hate her. But i dont go over the level of hate. I just dont like how she can be a  total bitch sometimes. I get jealous of my girl friends who are close with their mom. why cant my mom be as cool as their mom?

4) okay so about the guy that i like, i think 30-40% of me is just using him as a rebound. But karma gets me back so fast because now it seems like he's not that interested in me anymore, and im the one who seems to tailgate him. I dont wanna look desperate but i hate how he doesnt give me the attention that i want.

5) i can say im a girl who is self conscious but has a big pride. Many people hate me because of my pride including my parents. I hate myself for having a big pride but sometimes its the only thing that i have to stay strong. Life's tough and i get hurt easily and a lot. i just want to find someone who can truly understand me...

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