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You've got to let the demons out sometime

1. My Dad used to beat my Mom and the kids.
2. My parents got divorced when I was 6 and made all the kids choose who to stay with. They all chose my Mom except me. I chose to split time evenly. I am the youngest of 4.
4. 2 of my siblings do not talk to my Dad, the 2 middle ones. The oldest and I talk and visit him regularly.
5. I have forgiven my Dad, probably the day I made the decision to split time between parents when I was 6, I am 29 now. I don't really know how this affected me, my life has been really good. It might be the cause for me not ever being able to let anyone in close to me. My girlfriend of 6 years is the closest I have ever gotten with anyone, but she still has no clue who I am, and reminds me of it daily. No one other than my immediate family knows the reason why my parents divorced. It feels nice writing this down for once instead of thinking about it.

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