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21 days of playing it chill

*I try so hard and yet nothing seems to work, nothing seems to satisfy him.
I dye my hair the color he wants it to be, work out, somehow try to figure out how to make my boobs bigger. He says he likes my body...but I don't believe it. I don't know why I'm even trying for him! Were not even dating!!!
*I'm going to do the 21 days habit thingy, where it takes you 21 days to get out of a habit. I'm going to try not to spend so much of my time thinking and worrying about him so much. It's a habit.
*I want a man who will love me for me and that's it. When we were dating I never once heard my ex tell me that he likes me for the way I am. He's so attached to himself and his goals and his life to even worry about anyone else. It's sad.  
*Even though he's a complete ass to me most of the time I still love him. HA...imagine that. I guess there's always going to be that one person that you can't just stay mad at. Pathetic. 
*I'm thinking of dying my hair again. For him. I don't know why I do this to myself...
*Oh and I'm not a virgin.

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