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Sounds like prego to me (or, What is a mirna?)

L-I love my boyfriend so much that sometimes it hurts I want to b with the rest of my life. It's freaking crazy!

O-I have morning sickness a lot.. and can feel movement in my tummy.. but I have a mirna.. I do want to have kids with him.. but I sometimes wonder if he really wants kids. I already have one.

V- I'm not catholic but my bf is...but id become catholic for long as I knew he actually wants to be with me.

E- Sometimes I wish I never would of gotten with my ex. He is a complete douche bag! And just yells at me.

R-if I am prego when I have this child I don't want to be living with his parents... it ruins a relationship..

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: bisexual

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