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1. I absolutly hate people who are cheaters. How can you feel okay about treating someone with no respect. Cheaters just disgust me.

22. I've found the man I'm going to be with forever, and I'm finally truly happy because I know he'll never hurt me.

333. I'm scared that I can't make it thorugh college, I can be smart, but it's just a lot to handle. It would be easier if I didn't have a full time job working with customers who bitch and complain about everything.

4444. I was molested when I was younger and it has caused no harm to the person I am today. I'm just glad the person who did it is dead, isn't that understandable?

55555. I'm scared if people who are fatter than me. I find it hard to hug them and look at them, but they don't notice. Oddly, my mother, is atuakky very big, and I have no issues when it comes to her.

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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