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Ex cutter

1) ex-cutter. used to be able to say that. There's one line on my hip. The reason for that? Anywhere else is visible in a bikini. I'll be wearing one in two weeks. my parents cant know i cut. My bf can't know i started again.

2) i hate my medication. It makes me dizzy, tired and gives me nightmares. At least I can blame being out of it on them

3) I need to breakdown and just cry in the worst way. But i want the bf to be there despite how horrible i will look and just say it will be ok and he's always gonna be there for me

4) i wasn't up at the hospital monday. i decided to go to school. That day when i was in class my uncle died in his hospital. I didn't cry because I was upset he died. I turned my back on him and my family by not being there.

5) yes i know i sound pathetic for saying this but i crave the feeling of having my razor bite my skin. I miss the blood fill the crevices from the cut.

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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