When I was about 12 I fucked myself with a marker (I'm a boy) it felt sooo good. But I cried a bit, I couldn't help it. And I bled a lot. But it was soo amaZing. I only hit the same spot like twice again. Never as good as that time..;)
I hate being gay. I see gay relationships as so insignificant because they really all would just fuck each other all day...knowing that kills me. I'd love to have a pure relationship with someone. Too bad I was born with the gay curse.
The hottest fantasy I had when I was little was my step grandpa fucking me. (He was like 40) so he wasn't too old. On his drunk times I thought of making my move... but definitely not a good idea...glad I saved myself a very awkward life. I was like 13. I know that I would have loveddd for him to fuck me though.
Which makes me think its ok for me to fuck this 15 year old who wants my cock. Yeah he's young..I'm 20..but is it wrong if it would be bliss for the both of us??
I can't ever be in a life long relationship. I'm cursed to only like men, I can't bottom my whole life, I'm a top. But crave getting fucked sometimes. So what do I do?
I really don't believe being gay is a curse. I have a friend who is now far happier than he ever was before he came out. It's important to be true to yourself, whoever that may be. Also, he's been in a serious relationship for about two years now... and they go do STUFF together, not just each other 24/7, so it is possible. Just find someone who wants what you want. One more thing... if you've read half this site you would know that it's not just gay men who are horny as hell. So, heterosexual relationships aren't necessarily all that 'pure' either.