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Dread bed

1. I am stuck in a relationship I hate. I keep it as private as possible. I don't want anyone to know I did this..again.

2. I am stringing my boyfriend and ex along even though I only like to be with them when it is convenient for me. Or when they give me things or do things for me. I don't like my ex because of how he made me feel, but I daydream about our sex life all the time.

3. I am fucking someone who works under me. We are not in a relationship and he does not know about my boyfriend. I love the feeling of a new relationship. We are headings towards love.

4. My new boy and I fucked at work. We fucked in the office, on the desk, and chair. We fucked on the table for prepping food. We fucked on bundles of boxes some open others not. He made me sweat so much. He ate me out on the prep table and I sucked his uncircumcised dick in the office. It drove him wild.

5. I am a white girl who is addicted to black guys. Especially with a lot of hair. Dreads make me wet. Lil Wayne makes me wetter. å

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