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Strip clubs aren't so bad after all

1) I normally hate strip clubs, (why pay to be frustrated and still spank it at home?) but may have changed my mind at my buddy's recent bachelor party. I paid for 2 dances, the girl gave me another 2 for free and then her phone #. After watching her rake in over $500 in the next hour, she invited me out after work, and we ended up spending around 6 of the hottest, sweatiest hours having the most AMAZING sex I think I've ever had. 
B) I've gone back twice, and ended up at place each time... and she's insisting I come over when her roommate, who works the same club, is home.
III) When this happens (supposedly this weekend,) it will be my first 3some.
Four) I still can't tell my bachelor-buddy about it: his stripper was horrible, he says, and he's still kinda pissed about it. He was so wasted he doesn't remember that I left.
Cinco) The stripper owns a Supergirl costume... and knows I want to see her in it. *swoon*

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