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More than one way to skin a cat (or have an orgasm...)

1. My boyfriend and I have terrible sex.
2. I recently found a way to fix the problem and we fight less too...
I solved the problem by selling my body for money.
3. When he asked me about the money I told him I was a stripper and he
Accepted it and told me if he finds out I'm fuckin any1 else he'd leave me...
4. I don't feel bad at all. It suprises me how wet I can get to a total stranger who's about to pay me to eat my wet lil pussy..* my bf doesn't eat pussy either*
5. We haven't fought in 3 days I'm so happy and I think it was all because of our horrible sex.. but now that I'm gettin good sex and guuud money, I think I found my strength to let my bf go. I finally feel like I can be on my own from him and all it took was some guud dick to put my head on straight again.
BONUS.. I just remembered.. my bf watches my kid while I go to school my real job and *strippin* so I think that for #5 I have to add that I'm going to keep him around for a lil while longer so I don't need to fnd a baby sitter.. pay backs a biiitchh muffuckaa!

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: bisexual

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