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Happy fucking new year

1.I have a boyfriend I don't like and ill feel bad if I leave him.

2.I like my close friend but if we date I don't wanna make things werid and hurt him and make us not friends anymore but he's nice he gets me and he has a good job and we talk all the time.

3.I still like my asshoole ex dakoota but he has a kid so its kinda wried in a way if we dated but I can't help to have feelings for him.

4.I hate my mom for makeing me live in a place like this takeing my money and then whenpeople wanna go out I won't have money what's going to happen when I wanna start a life? I'm never going to leave her behined cuz her boyfriend is an ass and should go fuck off.

5.I have none close friends cuz they don't care to listen to my life anymore and I'm left alone without none to hold my handand this suck I miss my old life when I had friends and my mom and dad were together now all I do is cry and drink and durgs happy fuckin new year and a way to endd my life but I'm scared to die so there for I'm stuck here..

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: bisexual

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