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And they have penises!

1 i messed around with another guy it was an in the moment type of thing.. but I shouldnt have done it because I have a boyfriend. Im playing myself into acting like it never happened. I havent told a soul...

2 ii don't really feel too bad about the first secret because we just used our hands, no kissing on the lips or sex and i think that now me and my bf are even cuz I feel like he had something to hide before. Karmas a bitch

3 I say I'm going to certain places when really I just want to get away from everyone at home and sit in my car in a random parking lot and listen to music and think of random things; its nice to lose track of time with yourself especially when no one knows where you are.

4 sometimes I wish I was a guy because I feel like everything is so much easier forthem. But thank the lord I'm a woman so I can have children. I know I'm gonna be a great mom

5. When things dont go my way I freak out and have a mini break down inside myself. I silently go ballistic...

Gender: n/a
Sexual Orientation: bisexual

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